What is a risk, and how does it affect us personally or professionally? Well, the definition of risk from Webster dictionary says this: "The possibility that something bad or unpleasant (such as an injury or a loss) will happen" How high is that probability for you personally?
Personal risk is anything that exposes you to the risk of losing something of value. Do you have a new driver in the house? Statistics say teen drivers are more susceptible to causing an accident than someone with experience, and yet do we have enough insurance to cover us if that should happen. Having the proper protection can make the difference in you having to sell your home and pay money to a claimant in what was likely an accidental lawsuit. It can and does happen. Reduce your risk by acknowledging the threat you see and practicing good habits that reduce the risk. You can also call Withers Insurance Services, we have experience and knowledge that will help you reduce your personal and business related risks. We have the absolute best coverage at the most competitive rates. We are proud of our reputation as a highly successful, best Insurance Agency in San Clemente, Orang County.